Sito italiano    Tuesday, October 22, 2024

State-recognized bilingual primary school

The English Primary School is a bilingual, state-recognized school. As such, the school programme follows the Italian National Curriculum and this is integrated with the English National Curriculum for the English programme. The maximum number of children in each class is 18. This enables us to give individual attention to all the children.

School subjects

All general subjects are covered in our school programme: Italian, English, Mathematics, History, Geography, Science, ICT, Music, Art and Design and Physical Education. In addition, special attention is given to the acquisition of correct study methods which are essential and they are not the same for all children. Each child must be helped to find his/her own method of study. As well as discovering the correct method of study, children are also helped to develop their communication skills. It is essential in today's world to be able to communicate well and the children should be taught these skills from an early age.

Trinity College Exams

In 2009 our school also became a Centre for Trinity College Exams.  All our children, from years 2 to 5, participate in these exams which are renowned and recognized internationally. Last year we had a 100% success rate with generous compliments from the examiner for the level of English our children showed.

School programme > Sport

Sport is important for a healthy body and a healthy mind so can never be underestimated in a school programme.  Children learn to compete with fairness, to respect rules and opponents, to accept defeat while working for victory. The sports field is an excellent training ground for life. At the Primary School, the children have regular gymnastics lessons with specialist teachers. Moreover, we encourage the children to participate in a variety of sports so that they can experience the benefits each one brings. To now we have organized athletics, skating, climbing, fencing, horse-riding, judo, yoga and dance. Each year the Primary School holds a family sports day - a wonderful fun day for all.

During the two optional afternoons at school, the children are offered various activities of interest. To date we have had - a variety of sports activities, drama and theatre production, the history of Art, French, chess, extra music activities as well as extra private time for homework.

The Bilingual Middle School

 Our School continues to grow and, in September 2020, our Middle School opened. Now our children have the possibility to continue their education with us from the age of 3 to 14.